Dr. Michelle Jurilli

Michelle Jurilli


Smart Glasses para monitorizar las patologías degenerativas


Curriculum Vitae

Michele Jurilli is the founder of FONDA Company, the Italian main producer of Vision Health Technologies, specialized in low vision and fragile vision devices. The company’s name is an aknowledgement to Gerald Fonda, the American Ophtalmologist and Optometrist who coined the term «Low Vision» and who has been the mentor of Biagio Jurilli (Michele’s father) during his training in the USA.

Besides being FONDA’s founder and CEO, Michele Jurilli is especially committed to Research and Development in the low vision and the technological fields.

He has actively collaborated with many researchers both in the clinical and engineering areas (CNR, National Research Council and IIT, Italian Institute of Technology) in order to develop scientific protocols and to design assistive technologies for sensorial unpaired people.

Together with other companies Mr. Jurilli is currently collaborating with the University of Genoa developing, designing and producing special smartglasses for monitoring people with neurological diseases.

Michele Jurilli sits on Board of Directors of Si4Life, The Ligurian Pole for Life Sciences.